Year 6 SATs Celebration Trip - Olympic Park
Dear Parents and Carers,
At Broadford we recognise the importance of an enriching curriculum both inside and outside of the classroom and have therefore planned an ‘experience entitlement’ that will serve to enrich the children’s learning on Friday 16th May. We will be visiting a major part of the London 2012 Olympic Games legacy - The Olympic Park, Stratford.
The children will have the opportunity to walk around and explore the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford. This will be a fantastic reward for all their hard work at the end of SATs week and will allow the children to celebrate the end of this experience.
On Friday 16th May all children are expected at school on time, so that we can leave promptly at 9:00am. We will be travelling by bus and train and expect to arrive back at school by 3pm - we will ensure to keep parents updated on our whereabouts via sQuid.
Children are required to wear their school uniform (this can be their school PE kit); please ensure that all children wear appropriate footwear. Please also provide them with a spare change of clothes and a towel. We will be eating lunch at the Olympic Park so all children will need to take a packed lunch with them. Should your child require a lunch provided by the school, please indicate their preferences on the form below. All lunch orders must be completed by Friday 4th April, so that we can process your order in time for your child’s trip. Alternatively, children can bring their own packed lunch in a carrier bag that is clearly labelled with their name and class.
Please complete this form by Friday 4th April. We cannot wait for a fun-packed day with the children!