Tuesday 20 December 2016

Year 6 meet Sven and Snowy..,

This afternoon, the Year 6 children took a trip over to Mead to meet the unusual guests waiting there- two reindeer named Sven and Snowy! The two creatures were pleased to meet the excited children despite being only 18 months old. 

They were eating special moss that had been imported from Scandinavia! Apparently they eat a lot which is good as they are very energetic and can jump extremely high! 
Georgia Brooks, Redwood

Year 6 Learning Challenge Spring 1

We are delighted to provide you with the Year 6 Learning Challenge for the first half of the Spring Term.You will notice that the activities are split into Basic, Advanced and Deep Learning. This is a way for us to look at learning at Broadford, and is designed to ensure that children not only acquire factual knowledge but also gain a further understanding about how their new skills or knowledge can be applied to their own lives or be used to further their cognitive and social development.

The theme of the Learning Challenge for this half of the Autumn term is Why should the world be ashamed of slavery?' It is entirely up to the child whether they select the poem, significant person, music or painting, or a combination of all 4. They can also select the activities that they want to attempt, though we would encourage them to deepen their learning as much as possible. 

Significant Person

Soloman Northup


Draw a portrait of the person
Produce a timeline of their life
Produce a poster to advertise their achievements
Write a letter asking them about their life
Explain how the world would be without this person
Give five reasons for and against why they should be in ‘The Hall of Fame’



'Not the Last Sale of Slaves in St Louis' by Thomas Satterwhite Noble

Find out 10 facts about the painting/artist
Produce a collage of other paintings by the artist
Draw a picture in similar style
Transform the medium of the painting: use collage instead of painting
Use the image as a stimulus for 100WC
Describe what the painting: what it represents, how it makes you feel, what it is based on



'Oh Freedom' by Odetta Holmes

Listen to a piece of music
Identify the instruments.
Research the life of the composer.
Attempt to recreate the piece   of music
A mind map of different emotions you feel at various points in the piece
Produce a piece of art/collage based on how the music makes you feel.



'The Slave Auction' by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

The sale began—young girls were there,

Defenseless in their wretchedness,

Whose stifled sobs of deep despair

Revealed their anguish and distress.

And mothers stood, with streaming eyes,

And saw their dearest children sold;

Unheeded rose their bitter cries,

While tyrants bartered them for gold.

And woman, with her love and truth—

For these in sable forms may dwell—

Gazed on the husband of her youth,

With anguish none may paint or tell.

And men, whose sole crime was their hue,

The impress of their Maker’s hand,

And frail and shrinking children too,

Were gathered in that mournful band.

Ye who have laid your loved to rest,

And wept above their lifeless clay,

Know not the anguish of that breast,

Whose loved are rudely torn away.

Ye may not know how desolate

Are bosoms rudely forced to part,

And how a dull and heavy weight

Will press the life-drops from the heart.

Learn it off by heart
Find another poem by the poet
Create a performance as part of a pair/group
Write a short biography about the poet
Write your own poem inspired by the topic
Compare and contrast two poems by the poet

Monday 12 December 2016

Year 6 Spellings: 12-16 December

Below are the Year 6 Spellings for this week.

Students are expected to practice their spellings for 15 minutes per day as well as practice their times tables and read at home. Children are encouraged to search for the definitions of the words and use them in sentences in order to gain merits for their trackers.

Larch Star Writer

This week our star writer in Larch is Plamen Vasilev. Plamen produced an excellent non-chronological report on his favourite Amazon rainforest animal- the poison dart frog! Plamen used a range of sentence openers, brackets for extra information and even included a relative clause. He also used his thoughtful editing skills to improve parts from his first draft last week. A fantastic effort Plamen!

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Larch Star Writer

This week our star writer in Larch is Lewis Makolli. Lewis produced an excellent non-chronological report on his favourite Amazon rainforest animal- Jaguars! Lewis used a range of sentence openers, brackets for extra information and even included a relative clause. A fantastic effort Lewis!!!

Sunday 4 December 2016

Elm Class Swimming

Elm Class have now finished their swimming lessons. From Monday 5th December the children will be ready for collection at the normal time of 3:15pm. The children have successfully completed new challenges in the swimming pool and should be very proud of what they have achieved.

Friday 2 December 2016

Redwood Star Writer

Well done Tiara McGillivary, this week's Star Writer in Redwood. Tiara wrote a fantastically rich poem which brought to life her sea creature, a dolphin. The imagery Tiara used was vivid and incredibly powerful and she also included key poetic features such as alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhyme. Beautiful presentation too!