Thursday 23 October 2014

We are app planners.

The children of Coconut presented their app pitches to the rest of the class. The rest of the class asked questions that they thought a Dragon might ask in the Den. Some fantastic ideas presented: reciepe makers, science games and car racing games to name a few.

There are 4000 chemicals in a cigarette. Fact or Myth?

In science this half term we have been learning about keeping our bodies healthy and the effects of smoking. Different activities were left around the classroom for the children to discover more about what harm smoking does to the body.

Children sorted common assertions about smoking into whether they thought they were facts or myths.

They also prioritised reasons to quit smoking in a diamond 9 task.

As well as a quiz and creating a poster/leaflet to show their learning.

The children worked really hard and participated well! Great job!

African Storytelling

Years 5 and 6 were fortunate enough to have a special visitor. As part of Black History Month, Chris came to tell our children a brilliant story that originates from Africa. African stories famously had morals that helped people that told and heard them to live safely and learn from.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Name That Symmetry

Did you know that there are several different types of symmetry? Did you also know that symmetry and symmetrical patterns can be found all around us, even in nature! That's exactly what our Year 5s were searching for today. Together with Mrs Stallard, Miss Munday and Miss Reynolds, they teamed up to find different types of symmetry around our school. This was following on from thismweek's learning about line, reflective and rotational symmetry. "I didn't know there were things with rotational symmetry in our school!" said Matthew. Luis exclaimed "it's so clever that things in nature are symmetrical!" Our clever children even found some items with more than one type of symmetry. Great investigating, Year 5! 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

How can we stay healthy?

In Science, we have been looking at the question 'How can we stay healthy?'. We discussed how our lifestyle choices can affect our bodies health and ways in which we can choose to stay healthy. 

We looked at different food groups and how our bodies use the nutrients and vitamins within them.
We then became fact hunters and researched different facts and myths about smoking. We also discussed different reasons why people should stop smoking too.

Lastly, Mrs Johnston showed us how to perform CPR, a lifelong learning skill.

Monday 20 October 2014

Anybody lost?

Coconut class wrote directions in their PE lesson today! We toured the school and on the journey the class noted down any landmarks they saw or turnings taken. Their task, when they got back to class, was to write a set of unambiguous instructions that anybody could follow... Much harder than you might think! After a lot of tweaking to add clarity, we ended with some comprehensive instructions! 

So, in future, if you're lost find a Coconut!

Coconut class Star Writer.

Congratulations go to this week's winner, Jessica P! She independently recounted the story she had been learning about in Literacy. She used some excellent adjectives to help set the mood in the story too! Well done Jessica.

Year 5 spellings week 7

Please note that the test will be on Thursday as there is an inset day on Friday. 

Friday 17 October 2014

Year 5 Chinese Banquet

To finish off their brilliant cooking session with Mr Borrell today, our Year 5 children had a Chinese banquet (apologies if they were then a little full at lunch time!). A selection of traditional Chinese foods included sugared kumquats, desacated coconut, ginger sweets and biscuits were all up for tasting, as well as the delicious vegetable spring rolls and pork dumplings that the children made themselves from scratch! All staff commended the children on how willing they were to try the new and exotic foods. Of course, the experience wouldn't have been complete without chopsticks, and Mr Borrell kindly provided these for the children and they took them home as a reminder of their brilliant end to their China topic.

Year 5 Chinese Cooking

Today Year 5 took part in a Chinese cooking and taster session with Mr Borrell. We started by labeling our hats with Chinese symbols including characters that showed "chef". Our keen chefs then made traditional Chinese dumplings with pork as well as vegetable spring rolls. Mr Borrell even brought in a selection of fruits and vegetables found in China to show us including Dragon fruit, bean shoots and fresh peppercorns.