Friday 17 May 2019

Year 5-WW2 Evacuation poems

Over the last two weeks, year 5 have been exploring WW2 evacuation.
Following on from our evacuation day on Thursday, the children planned and wrote poems denoting what a child might see, hear, smell, taste, feel and experience during a WW2 evacuation.

The students used a variety of poetic techniques; simile, metaphor and alliteration in order to make their poems effective and they worked collaboratively in order to edit and evaluate their poems.

Our unit on WW2 evacuation ended by the children performing their in poems in small groups as well as to the class.

Here is one stanza from a year 5 pupil;

As a helpless evacuee;
Trains hurtling along the rickety tracks,
Young children were wailing their hearts out,
my eardrums were as fragile as glass in this commotion,
children rummaging in their cases like divers at a shipwreck.

Adam, year 5

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