Thursday, 18 July 2019

Year 6 Leaver's t-shirts

Dear Parents and Carers,

Tomorrow, Year 6 wave goodbye to Broadford Primary School. The LFPA have gifted all Year 6 children with a leavers t-shirt, which they can wear tomorrow in replacement of their usual school uniform t-shirt. With the leavers t-shirt the children must be wearing school uniform on their bottom half (for example: uniform trousers, shorts or skirts).

In addition to wearing their leavers t-shirt, tomorrow the children will have the opportunity to get their peers and teachers to sign a school uniform t-shirt. If the children wish to get a t-shirt signed they must bring in a school uniform t-shirt and a marker. The children will not be allowed to sign their leavers t-shirt or a t-shirt they are wearing.

Year 6 Leavers Celebrations

Year 6 had an excellent evening celebrating their time at Broadford last night.

They performed and spoke very clearly to their parents and guardians and sang beautifully.

Before the Leavers Ceremony, the children had a BBQ and cake which they thoroughly enjoyed.

Today, Year 6 enjoyed a 'Leavers Lunch' that they had chosen and designed menus for.

While the children ate, they watched the Leavers Ceremony Powerpoint that included lots of cute pictures.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Year 5-Go Bonkers!

Year 5, along with the rest of Broadford, had a brilliant time participating in Go Bonkers!
There were lots of different bouncy castles for the children to play on as well as free ice creams and ice lollies.

Those with a greater than 96% attendance rate enjoyed an extra 30 minutes on the bouncy castles to reward them for their excellent school attendance.  

Monday, 15 July 2019

Summer Youth Sport - Years 5&6

Not sure what to do with your summer holidays, have a look at some of the activities available across Havering.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

KS1 and KS2 Spelling bee WINNERS!

Today was the final spelling bee competition for both the KS1 and KS2 superstar spellers... and we won!

Not only did we take the crown and win the title of the ‘The best spellers on the hill!’ but also we were fantastic role models representing Broadford Primary school.

Miss Daly was incredibly impressed with the team members showing their 4R's and their impeccable manners. Each child tried their best and congratulated the other teams at the end of the competition.


Monday, 8 July 2019

Year 6 Spellings W.C. 08.07.19

Below are the Year 6 Spellings for this week. The weekly test will be on Friday and children should hand their spelling books in on this day. Pupils are expected to practice their spellings for 15 minutes per day as well as practice their times tables and read at home. Children are encouraged to search for the definitions of the words and use them in sentences. 











Urban Strides Workshop - 08/07/19

Wow! What a day! Year 6 boogied and wiggled all afternoon in the Urban Strides workshop where their instructor, Andy, taught them some fantastic values. Andy has worked with some top pop stars around the world and decided to treat our year 6's like they were all pop stars!

Year 5 - Urban Strides workshop

This morning, Year 5 were joined by Andy, who is the creative director and owner of Urban Strides.

Andy is also the creative director of Young Voices (the largest school choir concert in the world), which aims to encourage young people to discover a love for music!
Andy explained that he has worked with many pop stars and he wanted to work with the year 5 students the same as celebrities!

He only has 2 rules when working with pop stars (and Year 5):

Everyone must listen to each other - no talking when someone is talking
No talking when the music is on - as you need to be able to hear the beat.

In order to become successful, Andy shared 4 vital skills:


Before starting to dance, Andy asked the year group - How do we communicate?

The students were shocked to realise that the main way we communicate as a human is through our body language!

55% of how you communicate is through body language
38% is tonality - the tone of your voice - volume, pitch, emotion
7% words
After teaching the pupils some simple 'moves' in time to a specific 'beat'.

Andy then asked the pupils - What is a groove?
Groove is a fluid movement from your head to your toe

Adam and Deborah in Elm were asked to share their 'Groove' with the year group.

All of the pupils joined in the workshop and supported each other. The Year 5 staff were proud of how the pupils conducted themselves in the workshop.

Keep up the great work Year 5:)

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Year 5's Spellings W/C 08.07.19

Please find below Year 5's spellings for this week. Please encourage your child to practise every night so that they are prepared for their test on Friday.

Miss Breen, Miss Mullan and Miss Daly :)

Friday, 5 July 2019

Year 5 Certificates!

Congratulations to Oliver H for being awarded the Presentation certificate! 

Congratulations to Nathan for being awarded the Reciprocity certificate! 

Congratulations to Steven and Alex for being awarded the Resourcefulness certificate!

Congratulations to Elinga and Ketty for being awarded the Reflectiveness certificate!

Year 5 - London Trip 12.07.19

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Year 6 Puberty, Reproduction and Healthy Relationships

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of the National Curriculum, we will be delivering a ‘Puberty, Reproduction and Healthy Relationships’ lesson on Wednesday 10th July.

Following the National Curriculum and the Sex and Relationships Education Guidance of 2017, the emphasis will be on managing the changes to the body and positive, healthy relationships but we will also cover how babies are conceived and born. The children will also be given the opportunity to ask any questions anonymously. The session will be led by the Year 6 team and Mrs Ward.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from these sessions if that is their wish.

If you wish to withdraw your child from the session please return the form, which can be found on the letter sent home this afternoon, as soon as possible. If we do not receive a form by Wednesday 10th July at 10:00am we will presume you are giving permission for your child to attend this session. 

Please contact the Year 6 team if you have any questions.

Year 6 End of Year Events

To parents and carers of Y6 pupils,

As the end of the children’s primary school experience is coming to an end, we have a few activities organised. Please find below information regarding end of year events happening throughout July for Y6 pupils.

For the Y6 Celebration Evening, the children are invited to bring in a change of clothes, which they can change into before the afternoon’s festivities begin. During the afternoon and evening, the children will not be permitted to use their mobile phones (plenty of photographs will be taken by members of staff and uploaded onto the school Facebook page). Mobiles will be kept in the office until the end of the evening when all mobiles can be collected from the Class Teacher.

If you have any questions please come and see a member of the Year 6 team.

Mums* and children Netball Night - Wednesday 10th July

Following the success of the last Sports' Night, Rev. Rich has arranged another event for Wednesday 10th July. Last time we invited Dads and this time we are inviting Mums* and children.

* Any other 18 female family member of friend is welcome to attend.

Any further questions, please speak to Mrs. Stanley.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Year 6 Junior Citizenship Workshop

This morning, Year 6 visited the Territorial Army Base in London Road for the Junior Citizenship Workshop.

The children completed 9 workshops that were presented by firemen, police offices, community support officers, people who work for TfL, Havering Council and Wize Up. The workshops included finding out how to buy a Zip Card, that the children can use to travel on buses and trains and how to conduct yourself when travelling on public transport. They were taught the importance of wearing a helmet when cycling or scooting and what to do if there is a fire in their house.

The workshops were very informative; the children learnt many different facts and how to keep themselves safe at secondary school and when travelling to and from school.

Year 5 - Real Life Reflection

Today in Maths, we were learning about reflection and lines of symmetry. We learnt that reflective symmetry is when a shape or pattern is reflected in a line of symmetry / a mirror line. The reflected shape will be exactly the same as the original, the same distance from the mirror line and the same size.

We decided to make shapes with our bodies which demonstrate reflective symmetry. We had to copy our partner exactly to ensure we were reflecting our partners moves. 

We each for a chance to rehearse making shapes with your body that demonstrate reflective symmetry.

Finally, we got an opportunity to go outside and sequence our final reflection dance which included shapes which demonstrated reflective symmetry.

The year 5 staff were very impressed with how the children worked together demonstrating their reciprocity skills and they produced some fantastic dance sequences.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Year 5 Coordinates work

Yesterday, in year 5 we started a new unit on Position and Direction. We began by exploring the terminology associated with coordinates for example; x-axis, y-axis and intersection. 

The students then used their knowledge of coordinates to figure out the placement of different items on a grid, they used the ‘along the corridor, up the stairs’ saying to help them remember the x and y arrangement. 
Following this, the children created their own 10 x 10 grid and with a partner, plotted several different points, and wrote the corresponding coordinates.
They then worked through several investigative activities which relied on their understanding of coordinates. From 'find the hidden treasure in the grid' to following complex instructions about the plot placement, all the children used their resilience and reciprocity skills to tackle the activities. 

Summer-Rose in Elm said, “I found the investigation hard, but remembering the ‘along the corridor, up the stairs’ saying really helped.”

Monday, 1 July 2019

Year 5 Certificates!

Congratulations to Megan, Grace and Kaden for being awarded the Reciprocity certificate! 

Congratulations to Megan and Oliver S for being awarded the Resourcefulness certificate!

Congratulations to Ethan and Morgan for being awarded the Resilience certificate!

Also, this week we want to say an extra special congratulations to Sophie, James, Naleli, Tyler, Oliver S, Charlie and Deborah who have been awarded either their level 1 or level 2 Bike-ability awards.