Friday 31 March 2023

Redwood Class Swimming - Wednesday 3rd May

   Redwood Class - Year 5 Swimming Lessons

In Year 5 the children will be having swimming lessons at the Central Park Leisure Centre. 

Redwood parents/carers, please complete Google Form.

Each class should get roughly 10 sessions each (STC) which will ensure they achieve the Swimming requirements of the national curriculum in KS2 which are to:

- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres

- use a range of strokes effectively

- perform a safe self-rescue in different water based situations

From Wednesday 3rd May 2023, Redwood will be attending swimming lessons. The children will leave school in the afternoon, accompanied by Year 5 staff, and we will make our way to Central Park Leisure Centre on foot. We will return to school by approximately 3.25/3.30pm and children will be leaving from the front of the school by the office.

A reminder of what your child will need:

  • Swimming costume or swimming trunks (no bikinis please!)

  • A towel

  • A named bag to carry and store their items in

  • A swimming hat 

  • Goggles (not essential, but can be worn if preferred)

Children should come to school in their uniform and will get changed when we arrive at Central Park Leisure Centre. Please note, no aerosols or powders should be given to children, as these can cause problems for children with asthma.

All children, regardless of ability, will be taking part in swimming lessons as they are a National Curriculum requirement. Children will only be exempt from lessons with a signed and dated doctor’s note or certificate. 

If you have any questions or queries about this or any other swimming related issue, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 5 team via

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