Year 6
Magnificent Mathematicians
This half term, Year 6 have been working on their; number and place value, addition and subtraction, factors and multiples. Pupils have shown resourcefullness by using a range of concrete manipulatives to show their understanding of different concepts. As we are in Year 6, and using concrete manipulatives in our SATs is not feasible, we have been working on how we can use the blank spaces on a test paper for jotting pictorial self-support.
To support your child with their maths learning; encourage them to use TTRS, ask them to teach you how to make numbers 10, 100 and 1,000 times bigger and use BBC Bitesize to revise any tricky concepts.
'I know how to draw place value charts to help me make a number 1,000 times larger or smaller. This is a strategy I can use anywhere.'' - Maggie, Birch
'Playing Prime Number bingo really taught us how to recognise Prime Numbers in a fun way- I didn't win though.' - Faizah O, Larch
'I know that a prime number has two factors' - Aliza, Redwood

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