Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Elm edit their writing

Having spent the last few weeks writing their next episode of the Mai-long saga, the children in Elm class are now sharing and editing their work with their partner. The reflectiveness and reciprocity is evident as the children work hard together to make their writing even more exciting! 

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Four Quadrant Learning Grid

This morning, Mrs Gradley's numeracy group were completing tasks based on describing position on the full coordinate grid (four quadrant). The children had to complete a variety of challenges including drawing shapes and finding the midpoints and points where the diagonals intersect and finding missing vertices of shapes and plotting the points. 

Year 5 at Kidzania

Monday, 19 October 2015

Parents' Evening and Kidzania

Firstly, it was great to meet so many parents officially this evening at the consultations. Thank you for coming; we look forward to seeing more of you tomorrow!

Tomorrow we are going to Kidzania! Could you please ensure that your child is in class for 8.45am so that we can leave on time and that they are wearing a warm coat and have their packed lunch and some water (unless they are having a school packed lunch). We hope your children are as excited as we are about learning about different career paths and being an adult for a day! 

Year 5 refresh Roman Numerals

This morning, children in Miss Chau's maths set refreshed their Roman numerals with different activities using a pack of cards. The children will be able to read, write and recognise numbers and numerals up to 1000 by the end of the topic. 

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Brandon's Learning Challenge

Brandon Brown from Elm class has been busy at home completing parts of his Learning Challenge. He  searched for the deeper meaning of the poem 'Caged Bird' and produced some very thought-provoking ideas. Well done Brandon!

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Elm Venn Diagrams in Topic

In Topic this afternoon, children in Elm class compared the lives of the rich and poor in the Shang Dynasty against each other and also evaluated comparisons between their own, modern lives. The results revealed that actually many things which are present in our own lives started during the Shang Dynasty interestingly enough!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Maple Chinese dance workshop

Maple had another fantastic opportunity last week - taking part in an authentic Chinese dance workshop, learning about the ancient traditions of ribbon dancing. They also tried out fan dancing too!