Thursday 7 February 2019

Year 5- China day!

Today in year 5 we dedicated the whole day to exploring 'Chinese New Year' for our Literacy topic. During this Literacy and language unit the children have just written their very own adventure stories based in China and next they will be writing a non-chronological report about their own dragon/ mythical creature.

In order to inspire them and spark their imaginations, year 5 participated in a Chinese dragon dance. Throughout the dance they utilized their reciprocity skills to work as a team and follow the 'head' of the dragon. After a few rehearsals, the performed to their year 5 peers.

Summer Rose, "I think it's interesting how the dragon has to follow a golden ball."

Tyler, "I thought the dance was amazing."

We also had the opportunity to make our very own 'Chinese snowflake cakes' which are often used to celebrate Chinese New Year and we had a scrumptious pancake banana roll as a treat.

This afternoon, we took part in a variety of Chinese themed craft activities; jack in the box dragons, chatterbox origami and we even made our own paper fortune cookies.

All of the year 5 staff were incredibly impressed with the children's behaviour and cooperation throughout the activities today. Keep up the great work year 5!


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