Wednesday 6 February 2019

Year 5-Non-chronological reports

In Literacy we have started a new unit on non-chronological reports. Yesterday, we discussed the relevant literary features of this style of writing and the children examined a range of non-chronological reports to identify the features. They used their reciprocity skills to work in partners to read and annotate two different pieces. As an extension, some partners discussed the importance of these features and the impact they have on the reader.

We will be continuing our work on this unit with the final aim of the children producing their own non-chronological report on a mythical creature of their choice.

In Maple class, some of the children were so blown away from the facts that they also received a Fact Hunter certificate.

Charlie M and Ethan H, "Polar Bears use their back legs to steer and they are excellent swimmers."
Molly-May and Samuel, "Polar Bears are the largest carnivores that live on land."
Charlie I and Ketty, "Polar Bears have black skin underneath their white fur."

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