Tuesday 19 March 2019

Year 5 British Museum Visit

Yesterday, Year 5 visited the British Museum as part of our topic work on the Ancient Egyptians. Firstly, we attended a presentation about the evolution of mummification and how the process differed according to the wealth and status of the person being mummified.

We discovered that the British Museum has not unwrapped any of the mummies in its collection, but rather used technology such as CAT scanners to look inside the ancient tombs. 

Following this, year 5 students were accompanied in small groups to view the Ancient Egyptian exhibit which spanned six rooms in the museum. The children completed different tasks in each room such as locating different artifacts and suggesting what they might be used for. They used their reciprocity skills to work together and identify the objects. 

Overall, this was a very successful trip and effectively consolidated our work on ancient Egyptians. 

Mathew said, "I enjoyed learning about the sand-dried mummies."
Nathan said, "I enjoyed looking at the old jewelry that the pharaohs wore." 

Year 5 

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