Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Year 6 Learn About the Local Foodbank

 Year 6 Learn About the Local Foodbank

Last week, Year 6 were visited by a volunteer from the Harold Hill Foodbank. Dennis explained to Year 6 what a foodbank is, how they began, how their one started and told us all about the amazing work they do to support our local community. 

The children asked some excellent questions and reflected on the impact of the food bank. 

At the end of the talk, Dennis gave the children leaflets about the foodbank and a list of items that are really helpful for them to have to make their packages. We have challenged Year 6 to bring in as much food as possible so that we can deliver some food to the foodbank and support the incredible work they do. 

The items are: tinned meat/ fish, tinned vegetables/ fruit, cooking sauces, tea, coffee, milk (UHT), cereals, biscuits, fruit juice (long life), instant mashed potato, rice pudding and custard. 

There will be a collection area in Year 6 (and in the office) for any optional donations. Miss Wyatt will be taking some children to the foodbank to deliver the items after half term so please start bringing in any donations from now!

'The talk was very motivational. It has encouraged me to give things to the foodbank." Meerab, Redwood 

"I learnt that they need food to help feed people in Harold Hill." George, Larch 

"They help lots of people in need." Cameron, Birch 

Thank you in advance for your donations - we are proud to be supporting our local community! 

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