Over the past two weeks, the children in Magnolia have been learning about instruction texts. They looked at the features of an instruction text and which sets of instrutcions they thought inclued all the key features. They then went on to complete a shared write, where they wrote instructions on ' How to make a Pancake.' The children then independently planned and wrote their own set of instructions on, ' How to make a Jam Sandwich.' All children worked really hard on their instruction writing and on Friday put their instructions to good use and all made their own jam sandwhich.
"I can make this sandwich for my mum now !" - Lexie
"I have cut my sandwich into quarters." - Skyla
In Maths this week, the children have been consolidating their learning and using all their arithmetic skills to complete different tasks. To end their unit of arithmetic, the children took their maths learning outside and went on a mathematical scavenger hunt. The children used their receprocity skills to work with different class mates and were very resilient in finding the correct answers.
" I loved doing maths outside, it was so much fun !" - George
" Some of the answers were tricky but I worked with my partner to work them out."- Ruby
A fantastic week of learning in Magnolia !
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