Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls
Year 6 - Spring Curriculum Newsletter
It’s a very warm welcome back to school for our Year 6 family. This term is a really important term for the children to be at school, on time, everyday. We look forward to enjoying Spring with them!
Please find below some key information about this term and our expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries using our inbox: year6@broadford.havering.sch.uk.
Our expectation at Broadford is that every child should do the following every night:
● 15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult (signed in the reading record)
● 15 minutes practising spellings in their spelling book
● 15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts on Times Tables Rockstars
All children should have received or already know their Sumdog information. This is an online platform that the children can use to further consolidate learning. This is monitored by the class teacher and children will be rewarded for the use of Sumdog at home. Please note however, this is not compulsory.
SATS Bootcamp
Your children have received their login to SATS Bootcamp. This will help support your child in answering SATS style questions.
Your child should visit: www.yearsix.co.uk and click ‘Login’ in the top right.
Spellings will be given out on Mondays. The children should practise their words every evening. Spelling books must be brought in on Fridays, which is also when the weekly test happens. This will be closely monitored.
P.E Lessons
For Wednesday and Friday afternoons, children can wear their PE kit to school for their lessons in the afternoon - black/navy shorts or jogging bottoms and a white polo/t-shirt. Children must not wear tracksuits or any other colours than those listed above.
Forest School
This year all children will participate in Forest School, which will take place on Wednesday afternoons.
For these sessions they will need to change into: long trousers, a waterproof coat and a pair of old shoes or wellies that can stay in school.
Please make sure that children have weather appropriate attire, so that they can fully enjoy the sessions, even on a rainy day!
School Uniform
Please be reminded that the school colours are grey and navy. All school uniform is available through Premier School Wear. Children are permitted to wear stud earrings. Children must also not attend school wearing make-up or nail varnish/fake nails.
Reading Books
As reading is a huge priority here at Broadford, we will do our best to encourage the children to change their books regularly and every child will read 1:1 with an adult at least once a week. Please remind the children to let any adults know if they need to change their book and that it is their responsibility to bring any old reading books back to school.
105 Books to Read Before Leaving Broadford
Please be reminded of our reading reward system, where each year pupils can read 15 quality stories and be rewarded with certificates and prizes. There will be three certificates to earn - bronze, silver and gold. The children will keep trackers in school to monitor the books they have read - please find all the key stage 2 trackers, along with the books they can read here. Please also note that some books have a gold star next to them indicating that the book can be reviewed using MyBookBlog.
Key Dates
Curriculum Information
We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term below, so that you can best support your child with their learning at home.
We look forward to the year ahead as the children embark on their final chapter of their primary school career.
Any questions please email - year6@broadford.havering.sch.uk
Yours faithfully,
Miss Wyatt Mrs Green & Mrs Cocks Mrs Spoor
Year 6 Lead Larch Class Teachers Redwood Class Teacher
Birch Class Teacher
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