Tuesday 22 May 2018

Year 5 Star Writers

This week in Year 5, our star writers are: Joshua Kaylor, Grace Gore and Mikkileigh Williamson. 

All three children have made a phenomenal start on their NOT a fairytale stories...

Joshua has demonstrated his capabilities at building effective descriptions, though he has shown he is also able to add detail through a balance of speech. He has additionally achieved this through a range of showing not telling, tell:show 3s and by adding parenthesis. 

Grace has also constructed a fabulous non-fairytale, ensuring she has drawn upon original ideas, embedded humour throughout and included high levels of description so that her audience can truly imagine each scene. 

Similarly, Mikkileigh has put great effort into producing her story. She has worked exceptionally hard,  carefully considering the characteristics of her creature, the encounter with Ramona and how the princess will (hopefully) pass it! 

Inspiring writing Year 5, I think we can tell Jeremy Strong to move over...

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