Although school is closed tomorrow, there are many activities that the children can do instead whilst enjoying the snowy weather. We look forward to hearing all about the children's snowy adventures on Friday!
- Go sledding! Make a sled out of cardboard, and just go!
- Build a snowman. Roll some balls, big or small. Build a snowman together. Find rocks for eyes, twigs for arms, and wrap him up warm with a hat and scarf.
- Have a snowball fight! Have target practice. Set up something to throw at and let the children get some practice in throwing.
- Build a snow fort. Pack the walls together to build a safe place for hide out.
- If you have to shovel your driveway or path, let the children help! They could even create a snow maze.
- Stomp through the snow and make footprints.
- Instead of making your own footprints, look for animal prints. Can you find rabbit prints? Squirrels? Deer? What’s in your garden or in the park?
- Get creative outside in the cold! Paint the snow and make it colourful!
- After a fresh snowfall, go lay out in it and make some snow angels together. Make a whole family of snow angels.