Monday 26 February 2018

Year 5 Tackle Fractions

This week, Year 5 have been ordering and comparing fractions with different denominators. To begin the children represented each fraction using the pictorial bar method, this reinforced their  understanding allowing them to visually compare the fractions. Through using the bar method the children were able to identify which fractions were smaller or bigger and  justify their conclusions.

Towards the end of the week, the children moved away from using pictures and applied their understanding of multiples and factors to find the equivalent fractions.

Throughout this unit of work, the children have been required to put their reflective skills to the test. In order to be successfully they have had to draw on knowledge from different areas of the numeracy curriculum.

"I have enjoyed working with fractions, especially using both images and numbers to represent the fractions. The bar model helps me to understand the fractions in a physical context, which has meant that I have been able to complete more challenging activities." Chloe, Willow Class.  

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