Wednesday 12 June 2019

Year 5- History Transport

Yesterday in History we introduced our new topic of 'Transport'.

We first asked the children the following questions:
How do you travel to school?
How do you travel to the shops?
How do you travel to see your family?
How have you travelled to go on holiday?

First, we organised the photos into 2 piles: old and new. It seemed like quite an easy task at first, however, the children were all challenging each other and had some fantastic debates whilst organising the images.

Next, we organised different modes of transport from oldest to newest. Miss Mullan had added some sneaky images to try and trick everyone. The hot air balloon certainly caused some debates!

After making our predictions, we used the I-pads to research the modes of transport and position them on a timeline. We used our reciprocity skills whilst sharing the I-pads and supported each other when we found positioning the modes of transport on the timeline slightly tricky (especially the BC dates).

To finish the lesson we shared our reflections and had a debate answering the question:
What was the most important mode of transport ever invented?

We are looking forward to learning about how transport has changed over the years. Throughout this topic, we will be looking at the design of the Viking's longship, how the Roman's created roads, researching the growth of British Railways and WW2 air craft.

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