Tuesday 20 April 2021

Year 5 Swimming (Willow Class)


Willow Class Swimming - Summer Term

21st April 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

During the first half of the summer term, Willow class will be attending swimming lessons with the instructors at Central Park Leisure Centre every Thursday afternoon. This will commence on Thursday 29th April 2021. The children will leave school in the afternoon, accompanied by Year 5 staff, and we will make our way to Central Park Leisure Centre on foot. We will return to school by approximately 3.15pm.

A reminder of what your child will need:

  • Swimming costume or swimming trunks (no bikinis please!)

  • A towel

  • A named bag to carry and store their items in

  • A swimming hat 

  • Goggles (not essential, but can be worn if preferred)

Please note, no aerosols or powders should be given to children, as these can cause problems for children with asthma. Please also ensure that your child brings their swim suit to change into at the pool, and does not wear it under their school uniform. Children should also be wearing shoes which they are able to take on or off quickly and without adult support. 

All children, regardless of ability, will be taking part in swimming lessons as they are a National Curriculum requirement. Children will only be exempt from lessons with a signed and dated doctor’s note or certificate. 

Children must be collected from the playground as normal, not from Central Park Leisure Centre or on the walk back to school, to ensure the safety of the children.

If you have any questions or queries about this or any other swimming related issue, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 5 team via year56@broadford.havering.sch.uk.

Yours sincerely,

The Year 5 team

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