Monday 28 October 2019

Year 5 Willow East London Mosque trip

Broadford Badge - Master - Full Colour.png
Head teacher: Mr J McLucas
Year 5- Willow Class- East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre Trip

28th October 2019
Dear Parents and Carers,

We are delighted to inform you that a trip has been booked for our Year 5 children. The trip will be furthering the children’s study of Islam within our Religious Education Curriculum. 
The Year 5 Willow class children will be visiting the East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre on Wednesday 30th October 2019. All children should be in school by 8:30am as we will be leaving at 8:40am. We expect to arrive back at school for 3:00pm. The children will be travelling via public transport and will be accompanied by teachers and support staff from the school. Should there be any delays to our journey that would result in us being back at school later, we will of course inform you via our school Facebook page and Year 5/6 blog.
Should your child require a lunch provided by the school, could you please return the enclosed form no later than Tuesday 29th October 2019 so that we can process your order in time for your child’s trip. Alternatively, children can bring their own packed lunch in a carrier bag that is clearly labelled with their name and class. Please can you ensure that there are no fizzy drinks or sweets. 
This is an exciting opportunity for the children to experience a different culture and the trip will enhance their learning both in school and beyond. We thank you for your continuing support.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Higgins            Miss Breen
Year 5 Lead            Willow Class

Permission slip

I agree to ……………………………………………   (name) taking part in this visit and have read the information provided.  
I agree to my child’s participation in the activities described and acknowledge the need for my child to behave responsibly.
Emergency contact no:

Medical information: are there any conditions requiring medical treatment, including medication    
If YES, please provide details:

Lunch slip
Please outline any special dietary requirements of your child 
Please tick
My child is eligible for Free School Meals and would like a free school packed lunch for the visit (see below for choices) - drink costs 30p

I would like to purchase my child a school packed lunch for the visit at the cost of £2.20 or £2.50 with drink (see below for choices) 

I will provide my child with a packed lunch from home

School Packed Lunch Choices
please circle one choice from each row

Ham Sandwich
Cheese Sandwich
Tuna Sandwich

Cucumber sticks

Piece of fruit
Box of Raisins

Piece of cake

Drink (extra 30p)

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