Wednesday 24 June 2015

Junior Citizenship Day

Year 6 spent this morning at the Romford Army Reserve Centre taking part in the Havering Junior Citizenship Event. The children were greeted by PC Wayne Hopkyns as they arrived for their introductory talk about today's activities. The children were put into groups and told that  they would be taking part in a variety of workshops. 

First activity the children were discussing travel safety, how to travel on buses safely and rules and regulations when travelling. 

Afterwards we went to the abandoned shelter experience - we walked through an 'abandoned' building and discussed the dangers which could be found. There were empty cans, litter, food packages and animal faeces. We were convinced that a dangerous animal lived in the building but it was actually a person. This experience was truly terrifying as the 'person' jumped out at us as if to attack. It really made the children think about why they should never enter any abonanded buildings.
Next the children entered the Youth Bus and were given a tea, challenge. Working together, they completed the task through discussion and teamwork!

In addition, the children took part in a Road Saftey workshop which focused on making sure that they always wore their helmets when riding their bikes. We were given a demonstration to show what would happen if we were on a bike and had an accident with and without a bike helmet! 

After that we watched a peer pressure show and had to discuss everything that was wrong with the scenario and what you should do if your 'friends' try to make you do something you feel uncomfortable about.

Next, we were met my two police officers who spoke to us about knife crime. We had to follow the rules and regulations and sort a selection of knives and sharp objects into those which are illegal and legal.

After a while , we went to the Fire Brigade session and learnt about the speed at which a fire burns. It was interesting to know, that the imagine of smoke in movies , white smoke and a few coughs, is extremely deceptive! In real-life if an adult was to breathe in the dark black smoke they would become unconscious within two breaths and  die if they still continued to inhale the smoke.

Then we discussed our local environment and how to recycle and reduce waste.

Lastly, we had a London Ambulance session, did you know that on average there are 6,000 phone calls requesting an ambulance in the London area alone! We learnt about DR ABC which stands for DANGER - RESPOSNE - AIRWAYS - BREATHING - CALL 999! This should be done before any CPR takes place.

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