Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Year 5 Victorian Lesson experience - Wednesday 24th February

Over the past half term, Year 5 have been focusing on life during the Victorian times, through their History work on Victorian child labour and their literacy and reading work, focused on the novel, Street Child.

During this period of remote learning, it has obviously been more challenging to provide our pupils with the trips and additional experiences that we pride ourselves on here at Broadford, but we are very excited to announce that on Wednesday 24th February (tomorrow), the Year 5 children will have the opportunity to remotely experience a Victorian classroom!

This will allow the children to gain a better understanding of what life was like for Victorian children, as they are led through learning experiences that Victorian children would have done in the past, including the 'three Rs' and 'drill'.

In order to gain the most from the activity, the children are asked to enter into the spirit of the activity and act like Victorian children: remember, sit up straight, don't speak unless spoken to and use good manners at all times! A full explanation of the school rules will be given at the start of the sessions.

The experience will be delivered via a Google Meet with separate sessions for each class (Redwood at 10am and Willow at 11am). The links will be shared in the Google Classroom tomorrow morning. Please ensure your child has a pen/pencil and some paper available to complete the lesson activities. 

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