Friday 17 May 2024

Year 5 Biome Conservation


Today in Geography , Year 5, looked at the human impact on biomes around the world. The children were asked the research question 'How do humans affect our environment?' and then undertook independent research to find answers and examples. 

 After, the children created a photo story to show the damage that has occured and ways in which we need to improve to protect it. 

'I chose the tropical biome because of the levels of deforestation that we have and this is causing many animals to lose their habitats' - Karimah, Lime

Next week the children will present their research to the whole class. We will then discuss what we need to do to ensure the impact on our planet is minimised.  

As the next generation we believe we need more extensive knowledge of the way we are impacting earth. Ipsa, Almond

"I remember the impact of humans on my Biome from our topic on Climate Change" Hashir, Oak

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