Monday 6 May 2024

Year 6 SATs Week (13th May-16th May)

  Broadford Badge - Master - Full Colour.png

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next week (13th May-16th May) is the KS2 SATS week in Year 6. 

We would love to invite all of Year 6 to join us in school for breakfast at 8am everyday.

We want to make sure that all the children feel fuelled and ready for the day, having eaten a healthy breakfast. It will also provide the children with an opportunity to socialise with their friends and teachers; calming their nerves before they sit their test papers.

It will also ensure they are in school on time, which is paramount in the day running smoothly.

Children can enter through the office to make their way to the Charlton Hall.

Children do not need to bring anything extra for school this week, everything will be provided for them.

If your child is not going to be in school it is vital that we are made aware as soon as possible (on the day please ring the office as soon as you know).

Any questions please do not hesitate to email at

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