Thursday 20 June 2024

Mersea 2024

 Mersea 2024

This week, lots of the children in Year 5 went on a three day residential trip to Mersea. We went by coach and arrived on Monday lunchtime. That day, the childen participated in two activities (one of which was 'It's a Knockout' where Year 5 were all together). On the second day, they did 5 activities (including a free session) and on the third day, they had two activities before we returned home. 

The activities the children did were: 

  • Adventure Course 
  • It's a Knockout 
  • Team Challenge 
  • Rock climbing 
  • Archery 
  • Pioneering
  • High Ropes 
  • Zip Wire 
  • Free session (visited the beach and tuck shop)
The children showed excellent reciprocity as they completed each activity, especially those that involved team work. 

On Monday evening, we had a campfire on the beach where we had marshmallows, found sea glass and searched for crabs.

On Tuesday evening, we had hot chocolate and marshmallows before bed. 

All of the photos taken from the trip have been posted on Google Classroom for the children to look through. 

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