Friday 7 June 2024

Year 5 debate

 Boxing Match Debating in Year 5

This week, Year 5 have started their new Literacy genre (balanced arguments). We have been looking at the features that create a balanced argument, identifying them in texts and practising using cause and effect conjunctions in our work.

We are going to be writing a balanced argument based on our class text 'The Hacker' where we will be debating whether two children should or shouldn't have hacked into their dad's computer. 

Today, we were put into groups and we had a boxing match-style debate where we had to express our points for and against the children hacking their dad's PC. Year 5 showed excellent reciprocity as they listened to each other's points and gave counter arguments for them.


'It was so much fun being able to use our plana to make arrguments to beat the other team' - Max


'It was really nice arguing my points and seeing the other team respond' - Meerab


“I really enjoyed watching everyone debate. There were so many points raised I was shocked. “ Simon, Almond 

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