Wednesday 24 July 2024

Harold Hill Police visit Year 6

Year 6 were lucky enough to be included in the 'Clear Hold Build' initiative from the police in Harold Hill.

They had to design a logo which represented Harold Hill and would represent the campaign.

The winner of the competition was none other than Rubie-Rae!

She won a framed certificate and will be attending a visit at the Houses of Parliament with her family.

Every child that took part got a certificate and had an person thanks from the police. 

Read an article on the initative here

Monday 22 July 2024

Year 6's Last Day - Tuesday 23rd July


125 Goodbye Quotes To Say Farewell - Parade

Dear Parents/Carers,

Information for tomorrow: our wonderful Year 6's last day at Broadford Primary school.

Tomorrow the children must wear normal school uniform but can bring in an extra t-shirt which can be signed by others. 

At 2.30 we will begin the leavers walk in front of the whole school - this will end at the large vehicle gate near Dulverton Road. 

The children and yourselves are welcome to take pictures and enjoy the last few moments together, before leaving. 

The children have done Broadford so proud this year, they will be missed incredibly.

Any questions:

Year 6 Team

Friday 19 July 2024

Year 5 End Of Year awards.


Teachers Choice
These awards had been chosen by Miss Brimmer.

Academic Excellence: Chisom
Outstanding Contribution: George
Excellent Effort: Hamdiya
Sporting Excellence: Hadiya

4 R's
These awards had been chosen by Miss Brimmer.
Resilience: Eddie
Reciprocity: Anushri
Reflectiveness: Manuella
Resourcefulness: Flynn

Pupils Choice
This award has been chosen by the children in Oak Class 2023-2024


Teachers Choice
These awards were chosen by Miss Wyatt & Miss Piper.
Academic Excellence: Olivia
Outstanding Contribution: Karimah
Excellent Effort: Aqleema
Sporting Excellence: Logan

4 R's
These awards were chosen by Miss Wyatt & Miss Piper.
Resilience: Kindah
Reciprocity: Rosie
Reflectiveness: Emily
Resourcefulness: Cameron

Pupils Choice
This award was chosen by the children in Lime class 2023-2024.


Teachers Choice
These awards were chosen by Miss Bell.
Academic Excellence: Ipsa
Outstanding Contribution: Larissa
Excellent Effort: Eden
Sporting Excellence: Simon

4 R's
These awards were chosen by Miss Bell.
Resilience: Victoria
Reciprocity: Kenzie
Reflectiveness: Manreet
Resourcefulness: Abdulkarim

Pupils Choice
This award was chosen by children in Almond Class 2023-2024

Broadford Achieve Silver Games Mark Award

 Broadford Achieve Silver Games Mark Award

We are delighted to announce that we,Broadford Primary School, have achieved the School Games Silver Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year.

 The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success. 

 We have been lucky enough to participate in many sporting events with a total of nearly 200 young people competing in local inter-school competitions this year. We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our competitions possible. 

 As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year. A special thanks to the PE team (Miss Evans, Miss Wyatt and Miss Mullen) who have worked hard to ensure we were successful with our application. 

  We look forward to applying once again in 2025!

Lovely Limericks in Year 5


Lovely Limericks in Year 5

Yesterday, Year 5 began writing different poems. We focussed on creating Limericks. The children chose a topic they would like to write about and began creatign their poems on whiteboards before publishing their finished pieces into their books.

The children were resourceful and used a rhyming dictionary to assist them with finding words for their AABBA pattern. 


"This has been my favourite literacy lesson this year!" - Lucas, Lime 


"There once was a teacher called Miss Brimmer, 
All the children in class loved her,
Until it became time to leave, 
None of them could believe, 
When they knew she was just next door!" Asher, Oak 



“Limericks are funny but crazy at the same time because they use rude but funny words” said Karin. I enioyed writing the

Thursday 18 July 2024

Y5/6 Sports Day

Copy of email sent out earlier this week. 

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Finally, the sun has blessed us with its presence!  We can't wait to see your children showcasing their athletic skills and teamwork.

Date: Friday, 19th July
Time: 2:00 pm

This year's Sports Day promises to be an action-packed event, with a variety of fun-filled activities and games designed to promote physical fitness, camaraderie, and good old-fashioned fun! Our pupils will be competing in teams, so don't forget to cheer!

We invite you to arrive at the grey doors to the left of the school office.  The doors will open just before 2pm when you can then join us on the school field.  Bring plenty of energy to cheer on our young athletes!

Important Reminders:
  • On their sports day, pupils must wear the school PE kit to school (navy blue shorts, plain white t-shirt with or without the Broadford logo, trainers or plimsolls and a sun hat). Sunscreen must be applied before school and children should bring a water bottle with them. 
  • If you arrive late and the sports event has already started, you may not be able to access the field, please arrive on time.
  • We would like to remind you that you are welcome to take photos of your own child. Please do not take videos or photographs of the whole class or groups of children and share them on social media. Not every parent gives permission for their children’s photographs to be shared on the internet. Class teachers will be taking photographs and will share these on the schools social media platforms for pupils who we have parental permission to do so. 
  • Please encourage and cheer all pupils during the event.

Once the event has finished all pupils will go back to their classrooms to get ready to go home and you can wait for your child to be dismissed at their classroom door as usual. 

We're looking forward to seeing you all there! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Let's make this Sports Day one to remember!

Monday 15 July 2024

Year 6 Certificates - 12.07.24


Well done to all of our Year 6 certificate winners this week, including those who earned themselves extra time on the Slip and Slide for winning our TTRS Battle of the Bands competition!

E for Excellence - Thomas
Star Writer - Autumn
TTRS Birch Top 3 - Adu, Faizah, Hamza

E for Excellence - Mihai
Star Writer - Gracie

E for Excellence - Maisie
Star Writer - Lauren

Saturday 13 July 2024

New Year 5 Team 2024

 We are all so exited to embark on a new school year with the current Year 4 pupils. The Year 5 classes will be Almond, Lime and Oak. 

The year group lead and teacher  of Almond Class will be Mrs Whiten. 

If you are in Elm class then you will be in Almond class with Mrs Whiten. 

The teacher in Lime class will be Miss Piper. If you are in Willow Class then you will be in Lime Class with Miss Piper.

The teacher of Oak Class will be Miss Munnelly. If you are in Maple Class then you will be In Oak Class with Miss Munnelly.

We are very lucky to be supported by 4 teaching assistants who will work throughout the year group. These include Miss Pitts, Miss Johnson and Miss Chowdury.

We are really looking forward to working with your children. Please remember to keep up with reading and TTRS over the summer break. The progress that all children made this year was great so let’s not lose momentum. 

Friday 12 July 2024

New Year 6 Team 2024



The current Year 5 classes will be entering Year 6 and the Year 6 classrooms will now be in:

Birch, Larch and Redwood.

  Miss Wyatt will be the Year Group Lead for Year 6

If you are in Lime class, you will be going into Birch class and your class teacher will be Miss Wyatt.


If you are in Almond class, you will going into Larch class and your new class teachers will be Mrs Green (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Cocks (Thursday and Friday) . 

If you are in Oak class, you will be going into Redwood class and your new class teacher will be Miss Hanan. 

Miss Kenealy, Miss Greenwood and Mrs Doughty will also be supporting Year 6 with their learning. 

Other adults here to help you in September will be :

Mrs Byrne 

Miss Ana 

Mrs Clements  

We are so excited to embark on the adventure of Year 6 with you!

Please continue keeping up with times tables and reading over the holidays to stand you in good stead for what is to come.

We are all in it together!

Year 5 Go Bonkers


This week Year 5 Got to enjoy Go Bonkers. They thoroughly enjoyed getting the time outside; being active; getting their heart rate raised; and stretching their legs. A popular choice was the helicopter and then the slides coming in at a close second. It was amazing to see children use their resilience and reciprocity when needed (especially those who were a little more hesitant at first). 

"It was amazing getting to spend time outside with friends, even better when we saw the teachers get involved and join in after a hard year." - Shaylee, Oak

"Every person I saw had a smile on their face." Manreet - Almond 

"It was amazing! I got to go on the big slide!" - Max, Lime

Year 5 Certificates


Oak Class

E for Excellence: Lexi

Star Writer:  Francesca

Reciprocity: Azyaha

Resilience: Harvey

Resourcefulness: Princess-Aniyah

Lime Class

E for Excellence: Lily-Anne

Star Writer: Eleni

Reciprocity:  Cameron

Resilience: Ruta

Resourcefulness: Elyakim

Reflectiveness: Niamh

Presentation: Ryan

Almond Class

E for Excellence: Kenzie

Star Writer: Kolby

Resilience: Edward

Reflectiveness: Lavinia

Teacher Happy: Ipsa 

Presentation: Kezia- Fae

Sunday 7 July 2024

OPAL 5.7.24

 OPAL- Outdoor Play and Learning 


OPAL is an integral part of the day at Broadford Primary School with children taking part in OPAL activities every break and lunch. OPAL is endorsed and supported by Sport England and runs in hundreds of schools across the UK and worldwide.

Thank you all so much for all the kind donations we have received over the previous weeks. The children love topping up their resources and finding exciting ways to play with new equipment.  The creativity they show in their play astounds us on a daily basis. 

Fun in the Rain 

Here is a quick round up of all of this week’s rainy activities. 

Lego under the canopy. 



We are hoping the sun returns but whatever the weather we will be out enjoying the resources. 

Thank you for your support   

The OPAL Team.