Tuesday 2 July 2024

Year 6 Leavers Event and Graduation Assembly 2024


On the 9th July 2024, Year 6 will be having their Leavers Event and Graduation Assembly.

This will be a wonderful opportunity for the children to look back on all their memories at Broadford and a chance for staff and parents to celebrate their primary school chapter ending.

Year 6 will stay after school to enjoy some free time and food before parents arrive.

The children are invited to bring a change of clothes to change into after school. 

Parents will be welcomed in the Old Hall at 5:15pm for a 5:30pm start via the main gates.

On Friday we will be sending out a letter with two tickets per child, this is to ensure that we don't exceed capacity in the hall. 

Thank you for your continued support

Year 6 Team

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