Monday 11 November 2013

Year 5 and 6 Homework Week 10

Please find below the homework expectations for all children in Year 5 and 6. 
This week's spellings are listed below. In addition to this, children will receive a hard copy either in their spelling book or on paper. All children are expected to rehearse their spellings for 15 minutes each night. This should be recorded on their sheet or in their spelling book. For an extra merit, children should put their spellings into sentences. Children will have a spelling test in their classes on Friday, when they should present their spelling book to their teacher. 

Children should read at home (preferably to an adult) every night for at least 15 minutes. They should record this in their reading record book with an adult signature. Children can read their school reading book, but if a different text is being read at home then this could substitute the school reading book for some of the allocated homework reading time. 

Multiplication Tables
This week, the children will be recapping their 6 times tables. Please ensure that children are rehearsing both the multiplication and inverse division facts for these tables. They should do this for 15 minutes each night. Children will have additional time in their classes for this. The times tables test will be on Friday in children's maths lessons. 

Additional Homework
As well as the expectations for homework, some children have also produced projects on a topic of their choice. These are still fine to continue with and bring into school. Children that do this can earn a Project Superstar certificate at the end of the half term. 

Extra Maths homework can be accessed via the MyMaths website. Should you require the login details for this, please contact your child's class teacher. 

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