Friday 3 September 2021

Perfect Place Value in Year 6!

Year 6 have had such a wonderful start to the year; making sure to follow their Broadford pupil jobs - especially trying their best in every lesson. 

We have been so impressed with how they have settled into the year: they were straight back to learning and developing their mathematical skills!

They worked hard to created numbers up to ten million using place value counters on our place value charts. The children were able to look at each digit and appropriately place the correct number of counters in each column.

We also discussed the importance of a place value holder (the numeral 0) in a number: it makes sure all the other digits are in the correct place.

“The 0 is really important, otherwise a mathematician won’t know the difference between 1 or 10, for example!” - Tyler

“It was much easier to use the place value chart than writing numbers in a blank box. I could see where each digit belonged according to their column.” - Katlyn

“When labelling, I found it helpful to start labelling from the ones column.” - Callie

The children also had some great discussions about the difference between the terms "value" and "digit" and that a number can be partitioned in different ways to show its value.

"I noticed that if you take a number, such as 43,000, you could say that there were 43 thousands or 4 ten thousands and 3 thousands. It's just a different way of partitioning it"  - Moyin

Quote - Lime
"I know I have to say 'ths' at the end when the columns are after the decimal place" - Roberto

Overall, we could not be prouder of what year 6 have achieved in such a short week. A brilliant start to the year, well done!

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