Wednesday 15 March 2023

World War Two Workshop in Year 5

 World War Two Workshop in Year 5

On Monday, Year 5 took part in a World War Two workshop which focused on the ARP (Air Raid Precautions). They started their day with a talk from Danny (the air raid warden) who told them about the lives of people during WW2, particularly within an air raid. Year 5 listened to air raid sirens and heard the various sounds people would have heard whilst in their shelters. The children demonstrated their resilience during this time and reflected on the lives of those involved in WW2. Danny also told them about the different types of bombs that were used. 

The children then took part in four other activities including: 

  • ARP -The children were split into three groups and each had a goal. They were putting out 'fires' using manual pumps, carrying sandbags over to smother bombs and practicing using a hoe and shovel to safely deposit a bomb away from them. The children showed wonderful reciprocity when working together during these tasks. 
  • Artefact investigation - Year 5 were able to look at real artefacts from World War 2 including: ration books, toys, gas masks, identity cards and much more. Each group had a series of questions to answer using the artefacts and were extremely resourceful within the session. 
  • First Aid Activity -
  • Timeline -  As a year group, Danny discussed the timeline of events of World War 2 to give us a better understanding of how it began and who was involved.

'The best part of the workshop was trying to do the first aid. ' Daniel, Willow

All the activities were really fun,’ Blake, Maple Class

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